
Course Sequence Chart


Course Sequence Chart

Course Sequence

                                                    SCIENCE                           MATH                                 ENGLISH                         ELECTIVE

FRESHMAN                            HMO Hon Biology           HMO Geometry                                                          HMO Honors World History
                                                                                          HMO Algebra II/Trig

SOPHOMORE                        HMO Chemistry              HMO Geometry                      HMO English II             CCA Medical Core
                                                           -or-                                    -or-                                 
                                                 HMO Hon Chem            HMO Algebra II/Trig
                                                                                          HMO Pre-Calculus

JUNIOR                                 Advanced Science  HMO Algebra II/Trig                HMO English III           CCA Medical Hospital Careers
                                                *recommended                -or-                                         -or-
                                                                  HMO Pre-Calculus                   AP Literature

SENIOR                                Honors Anatomy                HMO Biotechnology
                                              & Physiology    

*Bold classes are required; Students must have 4 HMO classes their Sophomore and Junior year                      


Health Academy students are required to complete a total of four field studies by the time they graduate.  Most field studies are incorporated into the Health Academy classes and there are at least two "open" field studies (available to all students on a first come, first serve basis).  Annual field studies incorporated into the Health Academy classes include:

FRESHMAN                         Saddleback Nursing Lab (HMO Honors Biology)

SOPHOMORE                     Quest Diagnostics (HMO Chemistry)
                                              UCSD Medical Center (Medical Core)

JUNIOR                                Kaiser Permanente Internship (CCA Medical Occupations) *does not count as one of the 4 required field studies

SENIOR                                Loma Linda University (Honors Anatomy & Physiology)
                                              San Francisco

All field study trips are 1/2 day generally from 8:00am to 1:00pm except San Francisco which is a 3 day trip from Wednesday to Friday usually in the month of April.


ROP Internship

ROP Internship

CCA Medical Hospital Careers

Juniors are required to take the CCA Medical Occupations class.  This class now involves an internship and 9 health science lab modules. Students are required to provide two copies of current CPR certification, flu vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine and PPD (Tb skin test).  Students are also required to dress professionally in provided scrubs, closed toed, rubber sole shoes and Kaiser I.D. badge. Long hair must be tied back and no heavy make-up or jewelry.  Use of cell phones and photography is strictly prohibited at the Kaiser Permanente sites.

CCA Medical Hospital Careers Internship

Period 3 Wingen’s Students:         Tuesdays                                 Period 3 Garcia’s Students: Thursdays

Certifications Available

We recommend that Health Academy students take advantage of the CCA certification courses especially if there is a certification available in your field of interest. All Sophomore students are certified in CPR/AED and Stop the Bleed. During the Medical Core course, Juniors have the opportunity to be certified in vital signs, IV placement and suturing during their Medical Hospital Careers course. Additional certifications are available through CCA and include Medical Assistant, Dental Assistant, Pharmacy Technician and EMT. Some of these courses are available on school campuses during the bell schedule and some are offered after school hours.